Monday, February 28, 2011

First Day with my Chabad Family

I'm sitting in my incredibly steamy, humid, cozy room in my new home of the next 3.5 months, and it finally has hit me that I'm going to be spending a semester studying abroad here in Buenos Aires.  Until now, I was distracted by my total uselessness and lack of productivity at home for 7 weeks and then my travels in Chile and Patagonia with my familia. 

So here I am, a new temporary member of Belgrano's Kiesel family, whose mother is younger than I am.  Shmuel and Chaya- classic Chabad names.  Anyways, they seem really nice and have been very hospitable to me. 
A couple of issues I have so far:
1. Inability to think of anything to say to their 2 and 4 year old daughters.  If anybody knows how to communicate with really little girls in spanish, please let me know
2.  I'm still trying to get comfortable living in a stranger's house, but I don't want to feel too comfortable so quickly (just seems unnatural in the beginning).  So during lunch today, I fought the urge to serve myself a second helping of spaghetti and meatballs b/c I didn't want my "parents" to think that I was a gluttonous American.  However, in the end, it worked out b/c I had the leftovers for dinner.

Other observations from my first day:
1. It's really hard to catch a cab in this city- they are either full, or the drivers simply ignore your waving hand.
2.  Younger guys love the 80's mullet look

In the morning today, I went food shopping with Chaya, and she showed me the different foods that were kosher in the regular supermarket: the list includes 1 brand of ketchup, 3 types of cereals, olive oil and nothing else.
Wow, we are truly spoiled in NY. 
In the afternoon, I explored the Belgrano area, trying to familiarize myself with my home for the next semester.  It seems like a beautiful area, more low key. 
Belgrano aside, Buenos Aires is definitely my kind of city: there are homemade ice cream shops nearly every 2-3 blocks. 
Today's flavors: Chocolate with bits of Brazilian nut, coffee, and some berry cream flavor. 

That's all from here,
buenas noches

ps- I hope all of you who hated my facebook blog appreciate this
