Thursday, March 31, 2011

The importance of knowing Microsoft Excel

Yesterday, I went to meet with someone who works for the Joint Distribution Committee, a Jewish humanitarian organization, to discuss volunteer/internship opportunities here in Buenos Aires.  We met at Ldor Vador, which is a beautiful new facility that houses an old age home and a baby care center for low income families. 
After some small talk, I asked her how I could help at the JDC.  Turns out nobody in the office there knows how to use excel.  So I got an internship (you could call it volunteering but internship sounds better, or at least more professional) organizing the office data into excel spreadsheets.  One area where they really need help is keeping track of the quantities of clothing they have (they receive donated clothing because the children often can't afford it) and entering the data into the computers.  Not the most interesting work but it'll do.
Even better news is there are 5 different ice cream shops  on the walk back to my apartment!

On my way to school today, I was looking at the ground as I usually do to avoid stepping in dog poop and nearly walked into this kid peeing on the sidewalk.  His mom was standing next to him to steer traffic I guess.  So that makes both the dogs and humans who mark their territory in Buenos Aires and have nobody clean up after them.

My classes are so boring!! I count down the minutes, though it is cool learning new steps in the Tango class.  Some people are very hard core and even bought special Tango shoes.  I'm fine enough learning some of the basic steps.  It's a very graceful dance, but sometimes, it's alittle too slow. 

Nevertheless, some good things that result from having boring classes:
1. My doodling skills are improving significantly
2. I have such a great appreciation for my Maryland education. 

Anyways, I'm leaving tonight for Punta del Este, a beach resort town in Uruguay. 

Hasta el lunes!

shabbat shalom


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